Wednesday, January 27, 2010

All that we read and think does not get assimilated into the feeling of the heart. That is why a post-graduate scholar who is dead is not reborn with the same amount of knowledge. That which has gone deep into the heart becomes a part of our life. The rest is only a wind that blows over the surface of our minds.

~ Swami Krishnananda
Narayana and Nara meditate together and are inseparables; which means that God and man coalesce in every action and form a union in which karma becomes Karma Yoga, and that spiritual meditation is not merely a human effort but involves Divine interference. Though we may lift our arms to touch a magnetic field, when once we raise it near it is pulled by the force of the field, and here our effort ceases and we are under the influence of another power altogether.

~ Swami Krishnananda
You are alone with your God, and there is no one around you. This is the truth. Rest your mind on this, and attain peace.

~ Swami Krishnananda
When we get irritated or annoyed in the midst of work, for any reason, it is to be taken as a caution that our personality has entered into it, and the ‘unselfishness’ of the work has been adulterated with that undesirable and vitiating factor, the ego. When the work is ‘not mine’, there is no reason for internal disturbance.

~ Swami Krishnananda
If you want it [realization], it will come. There is no qualification necessary, except wanting it. That is the only qualification. If it is not wanted, it will not come. It comes when it is wanted, but wanted wholly, not a little.

~ Swami Krishnananda
Truth is the capacity to visualise things as they are in themselves, and untruth is that which obstructs this vision.

~ Swami Krishnananda

Monday, January 4, 2010

To attach oneself to a guru, an avatar, one religion, one creed, is to see the stars only. To put one's faith in the Infinite Being and in its presence within the heart, is to see the vast empty sky itself. The stars will come and go, will disintegrate and vanish, but the sky remains.

~ Paul Brunton

[Notebooks Category 28: The Alone > Chapter 2: Our Relation To the Absolute> # 104]
When we are empty of ego we, too, can carry on in calm acceptance of life's varying events. When we cease making prejudicial distinctions - gentle or harsh, beautiful or ugly, good or bad - a peaceful stillness will permeate our mind. If there is no ego, there is no agitation.

~ Master Han Shan
Although the pure truth has never been stated, nevertheless it has never been lost. Its existence does not depend upon human statement but upon human sensitivity. In this it is unlike all other knowledge.

~ Paul Brunton

[Notebooks Category 20: What Is Philosophy? > Chapter 5: The Philosopher ># 191]

