Friday, January 23, 2009

Discard every self-seeking motive
as soon as it is seen and you need
not search for truth; truth will find

- Nisargadatta Maharaj
You are what all happenings happen in. What happens must happen so remain unaffected as peace. Be peaceful and this peace will spread. What rises from peace is peace and what rises from confusion is confusion. So be peace and give this to the universe, it is all you should do. Even thinking "I am peace" disturbs this peace, so just be quiet, be as you are.

~ Papaji
All effort at controlling thoughts, appetites and desires
cannot but strengthen them along with the ego. What-
ever has to go must fall off by itself. All that you are
concerned with, all that you are, is the impersonal
functioning of understanding. So let that understanding
work through witnessing without judgment, knowing that
there is nothing else that you can do.

- Ramesh S. Balsekar

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Belief, any belief, is based on the sense of
insecurity. Only when all belief is given
up are you free to know yourself. In self-
discovery what you find is the Truth - that
Truth which is total, self-evident and
which needs no outside support or justi-
- Ramesh S. Balsekar

Friday, January 2, 2009

One of the monks asked the great teacher
Abba Nistero:
"What should I do for the best in life?"
And the abba answered:
"All works are not equal.
The scripture says that Abraham was hospitable,
and God was with him;
it says Elias loved quiet,
and God was with him;
it says that David was humble,
and God was with him.
So, whatever path you find your soul longs after
in the quest for God,
do that, and always watch over your heart's integrity."

~ The Book of Mystical Chapters

